Makalei Kolepa Hui

2025 – Officers / Outline of Duties


  1. Enter weekly results on a laptop computer and place them on the Makalei Kolepa Hui Website on a timely basis but no later then the day before the next event
  2. Minutes - Record all proceedings of Board Meetings and General Membership Meeting;
  3. Distribute minutes to board members within one week of any meeting;
  4. Keep All Minutes of meetings for future reference;
  5. Publish a Newsletter every six weeks (after scheduled board meetings) to keep membership informed;
  6. Disseminate any special announcements or mailings as needed. 


  1. Collect & Record All Dues from Members (make sure of member status prior to collecting);
  2. Collect & Record All Fines, KP Money, and Proceeds from Tournament Chairman on a regular basis;
  3. Pay HSGA & USGA dues & Website Domain Name & Hosting fees in a timely manner;
  4. Keep Track of Club Budget and Report Status of same at each Board Meeting;
  5. Maintain a Detailed Journal of Income & Expenses;
  6. Work together with Tournament Chairman to make sure all prizes for Special Club Tournaments are paid in a timely manner as approved by board;
  7. Only disburse funds with approval of Board of Directors.

Tournament Chairman

  1. Coordinate weekly club tournaments (course, tee time, pairings, collection of entry fees including KPs & fines, disbursement of prizes, etc.);
  2. Coordinate all special club tournaments (Alii Cup, Ace of Aces, Turkey Shoot, Etc.) and prizes for same;
  3. Keep all weekly, special, and away tournament pairings and results for future reference;
  4. Authority to arrange weekly pairings as he deems fit
  5. Authority to disqualify individual(s) or group in any tournament for slow play, conduct not acceptable, or infraction of rules

Handicap Chairman

  1. Collect and report all member scores to USGA for handicap purposes in a timely manner;
  2. Post & Update Handicaps to the Secretary each Thursday for posting on the Website;
  3. Appoint a handicap committee consisting of two other club members and meet on a regular basis;
  4. Report any unusual or unfair practices to Board with recommendations;
  5. Ensure that all members are current with HSGA and enroll any new members as needed.

Membership Chairman

  1. Update and distribute membership roster as needed;
  2. Provide new members with Club Mission Statement & By Laws - explain what is needed to maintain membership status;
  3. Work with Club Members to solicit Prospective Members using mission statement & by laws as guide;
  4. Contact Members for Special Functions (parties, etc.) and help coordinate same;
  5. Advise any member that does not have number of games necessary to maintain status by the end of the 3rd Quarter of Year.


  1. Schedule Regular Board Meetings & Preside over same;
  2. Plan Agenda for Entire Year with Board;
  3. Arrange for Annual Banquet
  4. Develop Budget with Board for year and monitor same;
  5. Ensure that Directors & Officers are accountable for their respective responsibilities;
  6. Hold annual general membership meetings and conduct election of officers & directors;
  7. Monitor Club Activities.

Vice President

  1. Attend Board Meetings and advise board as necessary to provide continuity;
  2. Have Trophies engraved for various club tournaments;
  3. Coordinate orders for Club Shirts, hats, and other items;
  4. Schedule and arrange for “away” tournaments at least 4 to 6 times in Calendar Year based on course availability and cost;
  5. Assume President’s responsibilities in the event elected president is not available.
  6. if the President is not able or unwilling to complete his term, the Vice President shall become the "Acting President" and continue until a new President is chosen.